Posts by Sr. Marilyn Marie
Nurses’ Appreciation Week
As we celebrate Nurses’ Appreciation Week, I am very grateful for the loving service many of our Sister Nurses have provided for us and so many over the years. One of my first encounters with their loving care as early as my high school years was the attention shown to me by Sister Mary Leo…
Read MoreThe Media of Joy
It seems that many of my meetings and encounters of these past few days have had a strong emphasis on the importance of social media in sharing our message. A group of Vocation Directors met to discuss effective ways to reach young adults through social media, I just listened to a webinar addressing effective parish…
Read MoreLove Changes Everything
As I listen to today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles and hear of Saul’s conversion, I’m reminded of the difference one person can make in my life and the choice I have in allowing that change to happen. Saul certainly knew of Jesus. In fact, he dedicated his life to eradicating anyone…
Read MoreWhom Will You Feed Today?
As I listen to today’s Gospel story of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, I am challenged again to reflect on who the hungry in my world are. It seems Jesus is calling the apostles to be aware of the hungry right in front of them and do something about their hunger. I imagine…
Read MoreHoly Heartburn?
Isn’t it interesting that commercial after commercial on TV suggests ways for us to rid ourselves of heartburn, let alone multiple other physical maladies and inconveniences? Yet, the sense in today’s Scripture reading and those throughout this Easter season seems to be that of nurturing the inner flame and fueling the fire! The disciples on…
Read MorePhoto ID
On a recent trip to the airport to fly to California I, like all the other travelers, needed to produce a photo ID along with my boarding pass. The security agent studied it carefully to be sure it matched the person he saw standing before him. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus proclaims boldly and without…
Read MoreWe Walk with Women
As I heard the Scripture story of the Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8) read both yesterday and again today at Mass, I was struck by the vulnerability of women and how this has been true throughout the centuries. Whether or not the woman is actually guilty almost seems secondary; so often she is “used”…
Read MoreGod’s Desire
I had the opportunity yesterday to read a piece on St. John of the Cross, and while it was about the fourth time I read it, it touched me in a whole new way. In the book, Impact of God, Iain Matthew writes of God’s intense desire to enter our lives and give Himself to…
Read MoreTrue Friendship
As we celebrate today the Feast of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, I’m reminded of how grateful I am of the gift of true friendship. These two women of the early Church had a relationship deeper than owner and slave; they supported one another in a friendship that led to closer union with Christ. Together they…
Read MorePope Benedict
We join with the universal Church this morning as we hear the news of Pope Benedict’s resignation as Holy Father in praying for him and for all Catholics throughout the world. I’m reminded of the times I’ve been privileged to visit the Vatican and the overwhelming gratitude I felt for the universal bond of faith…
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