True Friendship

As we celebrate today the Feast of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, I’m reminded of how grateful I am of the gift of true friendship.  These two women of the early Church had a relationship deeper than owner and slave; they supported one another in a friendship that led to closer union with Christ. Together they lived for Christ and together they died a martyr’s death for Christ.

Our Constitutions as Sisters of Notre Dame remind us that “We appreciate true friendship which has its center in Jesus Christ and unites us in him.”  Only when our friendships are centered in him will they bear fruit.  Our Congregation has a rich tradition and history of friendship from Mary and Elizabeth, Saint Julie Billiart and Francois Blin de Bourdon, to Hilligonde and Elisabeth.  We have been richly blessed by friends who have influenced our desires to grow in our union with Christ and to bring about His kingdom. I thank God today for the friends within the community and outside the community who have influenced my desires.

Who has influenced your desires? For what friends are you most grateful?

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1 Comment

  1. Sr. Marilyn Marie on March 7, 2013 at 8:48 pm

    Sister, I’m glad you found the writing helpful. We are all friends in Notre Dame!