I had the opportunity yesterday to read a piece on St. John of the Cross, and while it was about the fourth time I read it, it touched me in a whole new way.
In the book, Impact of God, Iain Matthew writes of God’s intense desire to enter our lives and give Himself to us. He writes: “John dares to place on the lips of his God the words: ‘I am yours, and for you, and I am pleased to be as I am that I may be yours and give myself to you.'”
My reflection on this passage led me to pray the words of Psalm 63, but to hear them as though God was speaking them to me: “O Marilyn, you are my Marilyn whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless and without water. Thus have I gazed toward you in the sanctuary….” What an amazing God who desires us more than we could ever desire Him!
Is God calling you to recognize in a new way His incredible desire to be part of your life?
One Response
Thanks for sharing this, Sr. Marilyn Marie. I have suggested to retreatants to pray Ps 63 in this manner and it is always a life-changing moment for them. What a marvelous reality that God desires us so! Something to celebrate!