Recently I heard a talk from a parishioner. Let me share it.
Nick loved skydiving. He and his buddies would regularly take the jump. Planning to join his buddies for their usual thrill, Nick decided not to participate when his father told him this story: “Even though I am a Jehovah Witness, Mary appeared to me. She said I had to tell my son that he should not go up in the plane. He should not skydive as planned. To make sure the message would be believed, I traveled across a couple states to visit my son.” Believing that his father had actually seen the Blessed Virgin, Nick complied with his father’s wishes. On the day of the intended skydiving, Nick heard on the radio that there was a terrible accident at the place where he and his buddies decided to meet. The three buddies enjoyed their usual thrill. The fourth man, who had taken Nick’s place, was given Nick’s parachute. The parachute did not open.
One Response
Love that you sent that!