“To live is to be slowly born.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Sunflower Seeds

Celebrating Everyday Spirituality

The United Nations has declared October 11 the International Day of the Girl, establishing a day to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. The action follows a multi-year campaign by activists in Canada and the United States. In reserving a day for advocacy and

As I sat here looking out the window at the night sky, just still light enough to see cloud formations, I noticed a giant footprint in the sky, but before I could type this sentence, it disappeared. What if I hadn’t looked out at that precise moment? I would have

As we celebrate today the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, I’m pondering the call he received to “build up the Church.” So often in his New Testament letters, St. Paul exhorts us to build up the Body of Christ, and certainly the Church is the Body of Christ. Francis

Today is a “double header” for us as Sisters of Notre Dame! Not only do we join the Church in celebrating the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, but we also celebrate our congregational Foundation Day. Both celebrations highlight for me the importance of doing little things well. Hilligonde and

“Humility, a little virtue, because it loves the shade and annihilation, blossoms only in great souls.” (Mgr. L. Giraud) I was given this quote thirty-five years ago by my novice director and wondered what on Earth she was thinking! I’ve been reading the Rule of Benedict and the other day

This morning I sat with Psalm 23. It’s a familiar one to all of us, a psalm of comfort. “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Most of us could recite much of it by heart. Today what struck me was the line “You prepare a table before

L-I-S-T-E-N. S-I-L-E-N-T. E-N-L-I-S-T. All three words have the same letters. All three words make a great way to live one’s Christian life. LISTEN to what God wants of you from the good desires of your hearts, your talents, and the affirmation you receive. Be SILENT and let the mystery of

Bishop Albert Ottenweller enetered eternal life early yesterday morning. When I heard this news later yesterday, I couldn’t help but thank God for the gift that he has been to so many. Bishop Ottenweller truly loved people and truly loved the Church. He loved the People of God. So many

I’ve been reading the Rule of Benedict …. Benedict really does not like grumblers … complainers … he has little use for such smallness in the monastic life. Joan Chittister, OSB, in her reflection on this part of the Rule, says this about the complainers and grumblers in community life:

Today many of the educators of the Toledo Diocese are gathered for an inservice at Seagate Center here in Toledo. Our Sisters are among this group of professionals who continue to daily offer our young people the hope of a promising future. Education has always played a significant role in

Meet Sr. Valerie

As Sisters of Notre Dame, Mary is a model for us as we seek to experience and express God’s goodness and provident care in the unfolding of each day. Join us on the journey!

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Weekend retreat at Villa Maria Education and Spirituality Center, Pulaski, PA
October 11-13, 2024
Retreat with the Sisters of Loretto, Nerinx, KY
September 8-13, 2024
Retreat at Lial Renewal Center, Whitehouse, OH
August 11-18, 2024
Retreat at Heartland Center for Spirituality, Great Bend, KS
April 14-19, 2024
First Friday Club in Youngstown, Ohio
April 4, 2024