Choosing to Serve

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita. After being held as a slave for many years, she eventually gained her freedom and entered the religious community of the Canossian Sisters in Italy.  Most of her life then consisted of serving in the kitchen and as keeper of the door.

It strikes me that Josephine first was forced to serve as a slave and then later chose to serve God as her Master (her favorite title for God).  Her choosing to serve made all the difference!  Just as Mary saw herself as the handmaid of the Lord and chose to give her life in humble service, Josephine chose to offer the many facets of her day as service to the ONE she loved.

Whether we see the contents of our day as something forced upon us or as something we can choose to offer makes a world of difference. God desires the generous gift of our lives, freely chosen and freely given.

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  1. Ellen Kelly Chio on February 8, 2012 at 1:38 pm

    Sisters knowing your community has touched my life deeply. I love this blog page. It inspires me to live my life present and freely expressing my love for the God Good in every day. Thank you.

    • Sr. Marilyn Marie on February 8, 2012 at 1:42 pm

      Thanks, Ellen. We look forward to your comments and insights on future posts!