As I sat here looking out the window at the night sky, just still light enough to see cloud formations, I noticed a giant footprint in the sky, but before I could type this sentence, it disappeared. What if I hadn’t looked out at that precise moment? I would have missed an opportunity to smile at creation—actually in union with creation, because everything in the universe is interrelated.
I had so many opportunities today to smile with creation. As I got into the car this morning I saw five deer running through the meadow. Going out the driveway, I was stopped by three huge wild turkeys. A half mile down the road strutted eight “teenage” wild turkeys, perhaps of the same fowl family. Then I saw what I thought were flares. Instead they were ordinary road signs on which the red sun was beaming. Awareness of the present moment opens up delight.
2 Responses
My awareness of this present moment as I type this is savoring a nighttime breeze coming in off the cornfield outside my apartment. It’s been so humid here today — and I admit I find it hard to find the divine in humidity — so the breeze is savored big time. Yes, it opens up delight as I head for slumber.
Hi Susan-what would help the humidity is a lovely swim in the brine( that’s the
Ocean) perhaps the hot tub wouldn’t quite work there!
Take care and enjoy the gentle breeze and the Lord’s presence
Shalom Helen