I’ve been reading the Rule of Benedict …. This morning Joan Chittister, OSB ended her commentary on today’s reading from The Rule with this: “Imagine a world that was run by holy listeners.” I began to think about the gift of “holy listening.” I reflected on the places I’ve been in the past few days … here at the monastery … up the road at the Family Dollar store … in our teeny tiny post office … at San Antonio parish … at a local restaurant … at a busy Jiffy Lube … in very ordinary places with very ordinary people. In each place I can truly say I experienced the gift of holy listening! Wouldn’t that be something if we could say that about every place we go? Today I’m going to try to give that gift to someone along the way. How about you?
2 Responses
Wasnt that kind of from this past weekend too. Holy listening & seeing. Being open to God in all senses. I never want to loose that gift, that precious gift. To keep it I need to practice it! Live it! Believe it! Being non judgemental helps me see everyone ad God does and thus opens me to the holy senses;-) Thank you God for this gift.
Susan, how wonderful that the spirit of Benedict is speaking to your heart. It comes as no surprise to me that with relative ease you are able to embody Benedict’s way of engaging life and for it all comes from a Christ centered way of being. Your listening with the ear of your heart brought me to places of possibilities and renewed life. Thank you.