September 29 – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We rarely, if ever, picture Jesus as ranting and raving. But that’s the picture today’s Gospel presents. Jesus is outraged that anyone who has experienced God’s abundant blessings would dare to limit what God could do with those blessings. His language is graphic, and the message is clear: Whoever does even tiny deeds for others…

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September 15 – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings are quite insistent and very direct. We must give necessities like food, clothes, and shelter to those in need. In addition, we must deny ourselves and take up our cross; that is, we must lose our life if we want to be faithful disciples. Another way to say this is: Get behind our…

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September 8

Jesus had unusual healing methods; namely, fingers in ears and saliva on tongues. Such methods show how very involved Jesus gets with us in his and our humanity. We may not cure those who cannot hear or speak, but we have a responsibility to improve people’s lives. How? First, we must be open to the…

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