Dove Chocolate Hearts!
Did you ever eat one of those Dove chocolate hearts? Do you read the little snippets of “love advice” on the inside of the foil wrappers? A retreatant or a visiting director from last weekend’s directed prayer experience must have gifted us with a bowl full of these hearts, wrapped in red and silver, looking […]
State of the Union
I stayed up late last night to watch our President give his 5th State of the Union address and to listen to the Republican response. And then I could not get to sleep! Questions kept coming to me: What are the “great divides” in our hearts? our lives? Whether or not we gift ourselves with […]
Tonight’s the Night!
Whose feast is it tomorrow, December 6? Hint: his name is in an old and familiar Christmas carol! As children, my sister and I used to put out our shoes on this night, with hopeful anticipation that Jolly Old St. Nick would stop by and leave a toy or treat. How we loved awakening on […]
Too Small a World for So Big a Heart
We Sisters usually pray “travel prayers” when we drive. Decades ago in some affiliation I recall that at the end of our little litany of prayers, a Sister would add the final touch with “Mother Cabrini, bless our machini!!” To which we all dutifully added our resounding “Amen!” I have a fondness for this Saint […]
God-With-Us … Give Thanks Today!
Last week Monday I went to my mailbox after arriving home from work. Lo and behold, what do you think awaited me? My first Christmas card of the season … on November 4! Then, on Thursday I received TWO more cards! Amazingly early! I wonder: how can people be so “organized” to get all their […]
Climb that Sycamore Tree!
Sunday’s Gospel was the familiar and beloved story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10). We read in Scripture: “Now a man there named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man, was seeking to see who Jesus was, but he could not see him because of the crowd, for he was short in […]
God Amidst a Bowl of Squash and Beans
OK, I admit it: I’m no great shakes at cooking. Oh, I try. Knives are my nemesis. The other day I attempted to cut a butternut squash. You should have seen me before I got a decent knife! WITH the decent knife the poor squash went bouncing off the counter and I said a quick […]
Feast of All Saints
Happy Feastday! Has anyone extended this greeting to you today? I hope you will hear it at least once! After all, it is your feast, our feast, the feast of all the “little saints” here and gone before us. Oh, we are used to the “biggies” … the Peters and Pauls, the Matthew – Mark […]
Keep Your Eyes Open!
A heart-stopping moment: I was driving home from the Jesuit Center the other day when a large deer darted right in front of the car. Awesome! A heart-expanding moment: I was praying Monday morning when I looked out across the newly harvested cornfield and witnessed a very BIG buck leap across the field, antlers held […]
Re-defining hopelessness … and a Saint for our times …
There are more statues of this man than anyone else at El Santuario de Chimayó in the small village of Chimayó in northern New Mexico. He outstrips St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Francis of Assisi and even Our Lady of Guadalupe and Nuestro Señor de Esquipulas, in whose honor the pilgrimage site was created […]