We’re starting Ordinary Time today. After the Christmas Season, these weeks before Lent may seem uneventful, even dull. But let’s take the “ordinary” out of Ordinary Time. These weeks until Ash Wednesday on February 17 are not some leftovers on the Church Year menu. Over half the Church Year is Ordinary Time, its name coming from “ordinal” or “counting.” There will be 33 weeks of Ordinary Time, and each week can be a gourmet’s delight. The Sunday gospel passages tell of Jesus’ call of the apostles, miracles, parables, relationships, and discourses. We see Jesus as a Teacher, Healer., and Reconciler. Stories abound for our imitation and inspiration. The seasons of Lent-Easter, Advent-Christmas are indeed extraordinary in their richness. But we can count on finding the Lord in extraordinary ways every day of the year.