The Broad Arc of Christmas

Why does the Church observe the Christmas Season for three weeks? Why do we keep our decorations up several days after December 25? The Church gives us time to understand the mystery of the Incarnation, which is also the mystery of redemption. Let’s look at the gospel used for the Christmas Mass during the Day. (There were other gospel passages for the vigil and midnight.)

In the beginning was the Word [Logos], and the Word [Logos] was with God, and the Logos [Word] was God (Jn. 1:1).  “Word” can also be “meaning,” “rule,” “plan” and “reason.” What the Gospel writer is really saying is this: From the beginning there was a meaning and structural plan of creation, and this plan finally became visible and tangible in Jesus Christ.  In the Son God’s thought and reason of creation has become flesh. God’s reason for creation is simultaneously the reason for the incarnation and redemption. And what is redemption? It’s unconditional forgiveness and reconciliation. In other words, no rivalry, war, disputes, enmity on a personal or universal level. So of course, all Christmas cards and carols speak of peace. For thousands of years we missed the point, although prophets tried to tell us again and again. Even when Jesus came, “God’s reason [Logos] came into what was God’s own and God’s own did not accept God” (Jn. 1:11). But this is not the end. There’s a different story, one of faith and reverence for God: “And the Logos became flesh and came to dwell in our midst, and we have seen its glory” (Jn. 1:14). The word “we” is the community of witnesses, the Church. The Christian churches, the world—we—are entrusted with telling this Good News: God lives among us! No wonder we need three weeks—and a lifetime—to celebrate our joy!

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  1. Sr. Berneta on January 5, 2025 at 8:43 am

    CHRISTMAS is so much more than Christmas.
    It’s brain and heart.
    It’s joy plus understanding.
    It’s unconditional forgiveness in a peace-filled heart.
    It’s looking out on a snow-covered field and knowing God is present in the sunrise.

  2. Catherine Schneider on January 5, 2025 at 5:17 pm

    Love your definition of redemption!

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