Take My Yoke Upon You
Post of December 9th: Today’s Gospel starts out with a cozy feeling. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” What sounds like a warm flannel blanket turns quickly into a wooden yoke that chafes. But even wearing a yoke, Jesus informs us, “you will find rest for yourselves.” But then I think that a yoke ties me to another taking away my freedom. True, the companion in my yoke is Christ, who promised an easy, light burden. But still I may feel a bit resentful about losing my independence. The passage seems like an extended oxymoron. Easy load. Light burden. Rest when hitched to a plow. And we can set this little passage into the whole Gospel, which could be considered an extended oxymoron. The last shall be first. The first shall be last. To save your life, lose it. We die to live.