Jesus had unusual healing methods; namely, fingers in ears and saliva on tongues. Such methods show how very involved Jesus gets with us in his and our humanity. We may not cure those who cannot hear or speak, but we have a responsibility to improve people’s lives. How? First, we must be open to the Spirit breaching the walls around our hearts and minds. Such openings will let God break in our hearts with the knowledge and hope to change what needs to be changed in our sphere of influence. How ready are we to care for the earth? (Based on GIA Quarterly, Vol. 35 No. 3, p. 38)
Prayer: Protect those whose lives or property are endangered by wildfire, storms, or environmental disasters; and increase our care for the earth to prevent these problems in the future.
2 Responses
just being there or standing beside can also be powerful ways of healing.
Yes, helping the environment is SO healing!