In this month when we honor Mary, Queen of the Rosary, perhaps you’ll be praying the 50 Hail Mary’s more frequently. I am glad that the Luminous Mysteries, or Mysteries of Light, were added to the other three sets of meditation. The five Luminous Mysteries reveal so much more of the life of Jesus: his baptism, his fun and miracle at Cana, his establishment of the kingdom through parable and miracle and more, his Transfiguration, and the Last Supper. Taken together, they teach us how Jesus, the Light of the World, let his light shine—and how we can let the light of Christ in us show through. First, we were baptized and given a lit candle to remind us to let our spark kindle the hearts of others in our ministries. The wedding feast at Cana reminds us of the kindness that can light up the days of family, friends, and coworkers. The establishment of the kingdom reminds us that we are all made royalty, prophets, and priests through baptismal waters. The Transfiguration reminds us that we all need to be transfigured into Christ, whose presence we are in our world. The Last Supper—What a beautiful story illuminating our responsibility to become the Bread of Life whom we eat for spiritual strength to feed a hungry world.
Light Bulbs, stay screwed in. Let your light shine. It’s the very light of Christ.
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Love this!