Several of us young women (who made every effort to appear grown up and fearless) arrived at the Sisters of Notre Dame Novitiate on February 2, 1968. (Full disclosure, this blogger has been in the Sisters of Notre Dame community for over 50 years.) I was scheduled for a 3:15 appointment. Apparently it was vitally important that we came to the community according to exact chronological age. Consequently, I was behind the 3:00 appointment of the young woman who was born one day before me.
Mom, Dad, and I were met by two Sisters whom I had seen periodically over the five years since my older sister joined the community. After a few minutes of greeting and pleasantries, my parents would leave. I don’t recall being especially warm and loving to Mom and Dad. Any warm fuzzies or beginning of homesickness were swallowed up by nervousness. I was told to follow a novice to the dining area (called a refectory) to have a snack. Graham crackers? A cookie or piece of cake would have been so thoughtful on such an auspicious occasion. Oh well, after all, it’s the convent.