It Wouldn’t Be Summer without Jubilees
A highlight of the summer for most Sisters of Notre Dame is the celebration of Sisters’ jubilees. Once there was a study done about longevity, and it found that consecrated religious tend to be a group with long lives. This year’s jubilarians attest to longevity in religious life as one sister celebrates 75 years as an SND. Two others observe 70 years of service in the Lord’s vineyard. Three boast of 65 years, seven 60 years, one 50 years, and one 40 years. (I am referring to those hailing from northwest Ohio and not the entire national province.) Ever since I was a novice, I have to smile at the names given for the length of years, even though they match wedding anniversaries: Jubilee of Joy (75), Jubilee of Grace (70), Iron Jubilee (65), Diamond Jubilee (60), Golden Jubilee (50), and Ruby Jubilee (40). What about 80? That’s called Jubilee of Peace. What a beautiful title for those living over 29,000 days of vowed poverty, chastity, and obedience! Maybe called “peace” because the Bridegroom is coming. They will go out to meet Christ the Lord.