You’ve probably seen signs like this one: “If you can read this, thank a teacher.” Take a moment to consider the teachers (living and deceased) for whom you are so grateful. They inspired you. They put you on a better path. They built up your confidence. They saw in you qualities you never knew were there.
In January the Church honors some saintly educators and those who inspired youth; namely Elizabeth Seton, John Neumann, Francis de Sales, Angela Merici, and John Bosco. (Although not canonized, I will add the two founding Sisters of the Sisters of Notre Dame whose birthdays fall in January.)
Consider thanking them in some way—a prayer, a note, a text or phone call. If they are in heaven, do something for teachers in a nearby school. Offer to assist in the multiple tasks that teachers face each day. Support scholarship programs. Or just stop by with a tray of goodies.