Holy Spring – ‘Tis spring!
Ver sacrum—“holy spring”!
Come, O south wind,
Blow upon my garden.
Now the acceptable time!
Crocuses slither out of winter’s belly
Like Jonah sputtering relief.
And jonquils and daffodils yawn.
Christ, our Awakener, bid us rise
And live your life.
Wake up! Rise up!
The forty days and nights of snow are gone.
Run from the well
Your neighbors to tell
Of One who knows all.
Rise from tomb
Unbind and go free!
Blind beggars see light
In later shadows of night.
Come, blessed of my Father,
Inherit the season prepared for you!
Let no flower of spring pass us by.
Let life resound!
But hold back your “Alleluia” until
You are made worthy to see the
Firstfruits of the Lord’s Passion
And the Holy Pascha in spiritual joy.
Parce, Domine!
Leave a gracious blessing, Creator God,
Leave an aching longing for Pleroma
When all creation sings perpetually
Surrexit Christus, alleluia!
Inspirational poetry, Sister Valerie. Thank you.