“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, they find it attached to the rest of the world.” This is the wisdom of John Muir, naturalist, mountaineer, and Father of America’s National Parks. Cosmologists know some intricacies of the universe, and marvels keep being discovered. The greatest discovery of all is to know that everything is connected, dependent, united. Everything is the descendant of the Big Bang, and the descendants are family. Our country has been aware of the unity in the universe, and our citizens have worked to protect nature, harness wind, purify water, protect coral and animal life, and rediscover best farming and gardening practices. A stroke of a pen has the power to shatter the unity. When “drill, baby, drill” is the legal and profitable thing to do, will we have the determination to live by the knowledge that any one thing we do is attached to the rest of the world? Let’s keep recycling and reusing. Plant trees. Rotate crops. Use less fuel. Eat less meat. Attend to water, air, animal life, and human health. Today’s tug is tomorrow’s future.