Going somewhere? Of course! We’re all on our journey of life into eternal life. Recently when I took a plane trip, I decided to take only a backpack. Of course, this meant only the necessities. On your journey to eternal life what would you pack? What do you consider essential? Here are a few things I consider essential. First, I’d pack my good deeds. According to Matthew’s gospel, the Last Judgment is all based on works of mercy—those accomplished and those never done. Then I’d pack liturgical prayer. As a liturgical musician now and a teacher of liturgy in the past, I have hours to my credit. God will certainly see the work of liturgy—and leitourgia means public work–and say “Come on in!” Third, I’d pack my daily personal prayer. Its quantity may be to my benefit, but quality may make a very light backpack. Last, I’d squeeze in lots of stuff—I hope the right stuff. You know, the ordinary tasks of work and play, family and community life, and all the little human things that may be worthy of a ticket to heaven.
I realize I can’t take the backpack with me. And maybe the contents won’t matter a whole lot either. When I stand before the throne of God, does God see something of the Godself in me? The face of God shining upon me may be the only item needed to hear “Come! You have my Father’s blessings! Inherit the kingdom.”
2 Responses
I especially love the ending!!
Wonderful thoughts!