Today’s reading from the prophet Jeremiah was one of those “dessert” prayers that Sister Valerie blogged about a few weeks ago. I am a potter — of sorts. Better said, I like to mess around with clay! I seem to fade into the background; time falls away. Thoughts and distractions are minimal; presence to the moment is paramount. Working, watching, wondering: what will this be? What a marvelous analogy for prayer! I hope you tasted a little dessert today as God continued to mold and fashion you!
4 Responses
Wonderfully said Sister Susan! You gave a wonderful example for today’s reading. God bless you.
I’m always in awe of those of you who can create from clay! It strikes me as taking a great deal of patience, perseverance and gentleness.
I love your thoughts on this, dear sister Susan! What I love about clay is that, though it is messy beyond belief and it sometimes breaks – and breaks again – Its potter also mysteriously loves it beyond belief! The compliance of the clay reminds me that my rebellious spirit toward my Potter is completely inappropriate (I think it’s called sin!), and I thank Him for that reminder through your words here.
P.S. could you send me the Jeremiah reading you have commented on? I hope I’m not being inappropriate by commenting here…
Betty … the Scripture reference is Jer. 18:1-6 … it was in our cycle of readings and appeared yesterday as the Old Testament reading for the day! Love it … I think this is the one I used with you gals ages ago when we did the clay pieces in Sangre’s dining room!