May is a month for all-occasion tears: sad tears, happy tears, I-don’t-know-why-I’m-crying tears. We have tears at weddings, graduations, First Communions, anniversaries, family reunions, farewells, arrivals, and more. In Charlie Mackesy’s book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, Horse says, “Tears fall for a reason and they are your strength not weakness.” As I lead grief support groups, I know a person is healing when he or she tears up and grabs for a tissue. There is strength in letting another know our true feelings. It takes courage. Over the past year we have witnessed so many tears. Tears of joy when parents across the border are reunited with their children. Tears of agony as relatives learn of a loved one’s death through disease or crime or accident. May all these tears wash our world with strength—the strength that comes from peace.