Today is the feast of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursuline Sisters. We Sisters of Notre Dame have close connections with the Ursuline Sisters here in Toledo. These sisters and their employees have taken care of our older Sisters with much love for several years. Some Ursuline Sisters, such as Sister Stephanie and Sister Ellen, have been spiritual directors for us. Although each religious community has its own charism and its own way to contribute to the Church in the building up of the Kingdom, we are really all on the same page. Like Angela Merici and the Ursuline Sisters of today, we Notre Dame Sisters—and all religious sisters—do whatever needs to be done for God’s People. That has been our history. For the Ursulines, the need they saw was helping girls to lead a Christian life in the 1400s. For the Notre Dames it was teaching immigrant children in the 1800s. Really it’s all the same—doing God’s work of the present need. Happy feastday, Ursuline Sisters!