“He Prayeth Best, Who Loveth Best”  

Have you checked your Lentometer lately? You know, the gauge indicating the number of good deeds, the depth of your prayer, and the difficulty of your fasting throughout the 40-day season. If you’re reading this toward the end of March and feel good about your Lenten practices, congratulations! If you feel the Lentometer shows you…

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Rowing toward Heaven

The crew team at Notre Dame Academy in Toledo achieved a record for rowing a stationary rowing machine for the greatest number of hours ever recorded. It may be a long time before their record is broken, because they rowed 40 more hours beyond the previous record. While I know nothing about rowing, I know…

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Blinded by Assumptions 

At this point in Lent we read about the blind man whom Jesus cured. The blind man’s neighbors assumed the parents must have been sinners that God punished their son with blindness. Jesus claimed, “Not true.” And then the Pharisees “proved” Jesus was a sinner, because he cured on the sabbath. Two innocent people were…

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Storing Up Treasures in Heaven

Perhaps we may consider God to be like a Big Banker in the Sky. You know, make sure we have a lot of revenue for our afterlife. And Lent is a good time to increase our heavenly bank account with more church attendance, fasting and almsgiving. All this is well and good. After all Jesus…

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Astounding Miracle

Recently I heard a talk from a parishioner. Let me share it. Nick loved skydiving. He and his buddies would regularly take the jump. Planning to join his buddies for their usual thrill, Nick decided not to participate when his father told him this story: “Even though I am a Jehovah Witness, Mary appeared to…

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