Whose feast is it tomorrow, December 6? Hint: his name is in an old and familiar Christmas carol! As children, my sister and I used to put out our shoes on this night, with hopeful anticipation that Jolly Old St. Nick would stop by and leave a toy or treat. How we loved awakening on the morning of December 6th, running to the door of the bedroom, and checking what might have appeared over night! Then, I entered the convent and WOW … we celebrated St. Nick in a BIG way in the novitiate! Such good fun.
This feast reminds me of the call to be childlike. Think of how children”wait” for Christmas … or any holiday, for that matter … for their birthdays … for school to be out for the summer …. There is such anticipation. Such eagerness. Such expectation.
Advent is like that … a time of expectant waiting with eagerness and joy. Tonight invites a little fun into this season, a little more expectation and hope. Put out a shoe. Share the story of the good St. Nicholas’ generosity. Play St. Nick. Know of someone who could use a smile? a helping hand? a good meal? Invite them into your life and share the Advent / St. Nick / Christmas spirit on this holy night. And then celebrate the jolly Saint’s feast tomorrow. Let generosity be the gift you share!
2 Responses
This is such a big celebration in Germany – we put out our shoes here in New Mexico when our German exchange daughter lived with us! Unfortunately, we didn’t continue this tradition of giving from the heart (our daughter from Berlin says she and her siblings were threatened with “coal in your St. Nick’s shoe” when they were especially misbehaving, for weeks before December 6…) and emulating this good bishop’s example. Thanks for getting us going again! Much love from your NM chili’s……
I take this to work, since my daughters are grown and out of the house. St. Nick comes to the boss and co workers. Sometimes it is donuts and coffee, others it is candy canes and m&ms. Spreading the spirit that is Christ via St. Nick. Love it!!