The Annunciation

Have you noticed the pattern in Biblical annunciation stories? A woman is barren, an angel appears, the woman is told not to fear, a name is given to the future child, and the woman conceives. The annunciation of Angel Gabriel to Mary continues the pattern but is significantly different. Mary, neither aged nor barren, conceives by the Holy Spirit. And Mary, through her Immaculate Conception, is chosen “before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before God.” The story of the Annunciation is told at least once during Advent, sometimes more often depending upon the Gospel passage chosen for Marian feasts. It can be our story, too. When have you heard “The Lord is with you,” “Do not be afraid,” “Nothing is impossible with God”? Have you with Mary responded “Let it be done to me”?

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  1. Sr. Berneta on December 8, 2024 at 9:01 am

    Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!