SND Associate Program

Since you’re reading this blog, perhaps you have some connection to the Sisters of Notre Dame. Did you know they have an associate program? (Most religious orders do.) An associate feels he or she has something of the Notre Dame charism (spirit) and could assist in the prayer and works in which the Sisters are involved. When becoming an associate, the person connects with a Sister to learn something of the history and works and aims of the Sisters. Perhaps the inquirer already has some connection by teaching in the same school, working in the same parish, or just happening to meet and feel a connection. After becoming acquainted with the Sisters and their charism, the person may decide to become an associate. He or she then spends about a year getting to know the Sisters at a deeper level. A sister will companion them, inviting them to join her and other sisters in their ministry or other venues. When they feel ready, they may choose to enter into a covenant with the Sisters. At that time, there is more intentional involvement with the Sisters in their prayer and activities. You may want to look into this opportunity to proclaim God’s goodness and trust in God’s provident care along with the Sisters.

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  1. Sr. Berneta on October 20, 2024 at 9:29 am

    Good promo!

  2. Catherine Schneider on October 21, 2024 at 8:46 am

    Hope many are called to this!

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