Doggy Bag Full of Joy

I live in a house with three other Sisters of Notre Dame. One is a teacher who right now is meeting a math group on line. Two other Sisters are making protective masks. I am sitting here hoping to send a blog that will keep up spirits in a time of isolation and buoy hope in a scary time.

In Tuesdays with Morrie Morrie Schwartz writes: “Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you meaning and purpose.” This is the kind of devotion that surrounds me: dedicated teaching, protecting first-responders, and writing blogs that give me purpose. In addition, our small community meets daily for prayer and fun. 

In a book by Harold Ivan Smith titled A B C’s of Healthy Grieving one gentleman writes “I want, at least, to be in places where joy is happening. Then, if there are any extras, I can take a ‘doggybag’ full of joy home with me for tomorrow.” 

Give someone some joy today, so that they will have a doggy bag for tomorrow.

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1 Comment

  1. cathy on March 28, 2020 at 4:08 pm
