When Jesus became human, he annihilated the dichotomy between matter and spirit. In the Person of the Divine-human Being, we see God’s plan to make matter divine, something already done in the glorified humanity of his Son. The grace bestowed on us by the Ascension is the divinization of our humanity, meaning our person is permeated by the Spirit of God.
The grace of the Ascension offers an incredible union, that is, the invitation to enter into the cosmic Christ—into his divine person, the Word of God, who has always been present in the world in a saving way because of God’s foreknowledge of his incarnation, death, and resurrection. This is the Christ who disappeared beyond the clouds not into some geographical location, but into the heart of all creation. In particular, he has penetrated the very depths of our being. Our separate-self sense has melted into his divine Person, and now we can act under the direct influence of his Spirit. Consequently, when you mow lawn or fold laundry, it is Christ living and acting in you. Our transformation into Christ appears in the guise of ordinary things—yes, in your daily routine. The Spirit transforms everything into Christ. “Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11). Do you see in everyone and everything the presence of God’s light, love, and glory? (Resource: The Mystery of Christ, Thomas Keating)