Did They Know Him?  Do We?

Jesus multiplied bread and fish, but did they know Him when he came? He cast out demons and cured disease, but did they know him when he came? He preached in their synagogues and raised the dead. But did they know him when he came? He stretched out his arms in love on a cross and stretched his body in risen glory across the universe. But did they know Him when he came?

Today you and I passed people in the grocery store. We answered phone calls. We took care of our family. We saw people from around the globe via TV and the internet. Perhaps we briefly encountered salespersons, medical personnel, mail carriers, attendants, church-goers. In these people did we recognize the Christ? Do we know Christ when he comes?

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  1. Catherine L Schneider on December 16, 2023 at 12:05 pm

    Good questions