Carl Sandburg wrote that fog “comes on little cat feet.” The incessant fog of the past week was menacing, not mewing; chilling, not cuddly. It didn’t “move on.” It stayed, stuck in its mysterious depths, its dangerous limitations, dulling yet engaging the imagination. Its hesitant, unobtrusive entrance portended danger and whitening and weakening reality. Vulnerable…

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Christian Unity Week

In my experience, it seems that Christian Unity Week, generally scheduled between the Feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul, has lessened in importance. In past years in other parishes there were many events, such as weekly pulpit exchanges, prayers, dinners with other churches. Yet the need for unity remains great in our churches, even…

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Flipping Through 2023

It’s been three weeks since we opened the calendar to 2024. We’ve looked ahead, perhaps adding more events that we wished for in our busy lives. Or maybe we looked with eager anticipation to days of fun, birthdays, reunions, vacations. Newscasts remind us that it will be an eventful year in politics. For those of…

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If You Can Read This

You’ve probably seen signs like this one: “If you can read this, thank a teacher.” Take a moment to consider the teachers (living and deceased) for whom you are so grateful. They inspired you. They put you on a better path. They built up your confidence. They saw in you qualities you never knew were…

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Birthdays of Our Founding Sisters

January 9 is the birthday of our foundress, Sister Maria Aloysia Wolbring. The very next day, January 10, is the birthday of our co-foundress, Sister Maria Ignatia Kühling, six years the senior of Sister Maria Aloysia. In God’s plan they became teachers in the same school. They both perceived the needs of children beyond formal…

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Wood of the Cradle, Wood of the Cross

Have you ever noticed how much of Good Friday enters into the Christmas carols? One of my favorite songs is “Wood of the Cradle” by Francis Patrick O”Brien.  The lyrics bring together the wood of the cradle and the wood of the cross. It’s important that we realize every feast and season is a celebration…

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Second Thoughts

In the First Letter of John, we read about an old commandment, a word that has already been heard. But then the author has second thoughts: “On second thought, the commandment that I write you is new.” We have all probably had the experience of hearing or reading a Scripture story many times. The Christmas…

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The Fullness of Time

The New Testament reading for the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God (New Year’s Day) begins “When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son. . .” The phrase “fullness of time” intrigues me. After millennia of creation, after multiple generations, God’s plan was “Now.” This instant. This person. This spot on…

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