What is Your Personal Vocation??

November 6 is National Vocations Awareness Day. A vocation is a call from God usually supported by a call from the community to do something special for God and the Church. Generally we speak of three vocations: the married life, the single life, and the life of someone consecrated to God as a priest, sister, brother, or deacon. Within these states of life we have our own personal vocation, that is, our personal call from God to live the life of Christ in a specific way. In our personal vocation we have our own particular way to talk to God and respond to God, as well as a particular work to do for God’s Church. Sometimes this personal vocation can be summed up in a line of Scripture. Which line of the Bible fits you the best? Because vocations are often sparked by encouragement from the community, give affirmation to young persons about their qualities that the Church needs.  “You’d make a great lector.” “Have you ever considered becoming a priest or deacon?” “I’m impressed by your reverence when serving.”

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  1. Sue Wistinghausen on November 4, 2022 at 9:36 am

    Always a great idea to plant seeds.