Although Sister Maria Aloysia Wolbring spoke little about herself, there is much evidence of how other sisters treasured her. Interviews and letters told of her solicitude for the sisters’ well-being. Were they warm enough? Would they appreciate a surprise? Who could use some encouragement? Is anyone overburdened?
An interview with a sister living with the foundress in Delphos, Ohio, said “Our superior was so simple and unassuming in everything, that I hardly know what I can say about her, other than that she was very prayerful, very peaceful, very kind. In every way she was the model of a religious sister…. She never spoke of her role in the foundation of the community. She prayed much, very much.” Another sister wrote: “Interior conversation with God in prayer was a heartfelt need for Sister Maria Aloysia, from which she drew that supernatural strength that so beautifully penetrated her earthly existence.” She also attested that the foundress radiated this union with God in a way that “cannot be described.”
The foundress’ simplicity and goodness had a power of attraction that drew children and her religious community to her. They experienced the nearness of God. The integrity of her being focused on God and others shone in her. A power of attraction went out from her that within fewer than 150 years, more than 7000 young women would follow her.
One Response
Glad you have those quotes! What a wonderful Sister/Saint!