We Sisters of Notre Dame honor Saint Julie Billiart as our spiritual mother. Saint Julie founded the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Our congregation is just Notre Dame—not de Namur or School Sisters of Notre Dame. Yet we might say we’re all related—some to Saint Julie as foundress, others like us as spiritual mother. We honor Saint Julie today, along with our spiritual cousins. With them we say Saint Julie’s motto: “Oh, how good is the good God!”
May 13 is a double-header; that is, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima and that of Saint Julie. As we pray our rosary, perhaps we can add at each decade “Oh, how good is the good God!” The Blessed Virgin and Saint Julie probably say that a lot.
One Response
I remember Our Lady of Fatima so much since we were kids. I don’t know how many times I read the book and sang the song.