More than a decoration?
Now that almost two weeks have passed since Easter, it’s obvious that our society has moved on. The only Easter decorations that one sees in stores are in the discount bins. Greeting card displays now include Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards. Store themes are focused on summer and Fourth of July celebrations. It makes me stop and wonder if the transformation of my Lenten and Easter celebration is already stored away and forgotten for another year?
Sister Mary Regeen Ulrich, one of our Sister artists, decorates Easter eggs in some pretty amazing ways. I know the final products reflect hours of loving labor, and it’s sad to see these works of art disappear for another year. The eggs are so fragile and the decorations are so intricate. I’m reminded of the energy and commitment I put into my Lenten resolutions. Were they more than a seasonal decoration? The transformation that occurs in our lives can be somewhat fragile, requiring ongoing nurturing and attention in order for it to last.
Mary knew the importance of faithfully tending her inner spirit throughout all of the seasons of life. Her love was consistent and true, helping her to weather the hard times and rejoice in the good times.
Are Lent/Easter 2012 anything more than a decoration?