Joan Rivers once said, “No matter how trapped in the Krazy Glue of life you may be feeling, you can get unstuck. My favorite way is to make a list of all that I have to be thankful for.” May is the busiest of times. May is the loneliest of times. (Do these questions sound like the beginning of a novel?) Do they fit you? May’s calendar brings lots of busyness: graduations, First Communions, excursions, anniversaries, weddings, May Crownings, and more prosaic things like spring cleaning. May can also be a lonely time when such events are not part of this year and perhaps never again. Whatever the events of May, whether they bring happy activity or aching memories and lonely longing, we can make each day one of gratitude. Making a list of things for which to be grateful is the Goo-Gone for a Stuck Life.
One Response
Clever! Have a blessed unstuck day!