Easter Vigil – The constancy of Mary
We wait with Mary as she reflects….
Gone is the sorrow of realizing that the Scriptures would be fulfilled in him.
Gone is the sorrow of anticipating the agony of the Suffering Servant.
Gone is the sorrow that tore my heart yesterday as I stood beneath the cross.
Gone is the sorrow of seeing his lifeless body laid in a borrowed tomb.
Gone is the sorrow of seeing that heavy stone across the entrance of the tomb.
And now there is only hope-filled waiting.
Waiting to look on the face of my Son, my God once again.
Waiting to enfold him in my arms once again.
Waiting for his chosen twelve to believe in him once again.
Waiting for the world to believe in him.
I wait in silence.
I wait in hope.
I wait in wonderment.
— with a mother’s love
–with a mother’s longing
–with a mother’s trust