The following conversation was part of our migrant ministry this past week:
Tutor: What is this vocabulary word?
Student: Bless.
Tutor: And what does “bless” mean?
Student: It’s when someone puts God in your heart.
What wisdom we can glean from children! Who has blessed you recently? How will you bless another in the coming week?
Blessings of hummingbirds at the feeders, a mockingbird singing several songs and the delight of a small child, Samantha who finds everything an adventure, all these are blessings this week. Who I will meet and greet with be my blessing to them this week.
Children have such insight! They are blessed.
I’ve been blessed today by meeting two Sisters of Mercy I had only known through email, letters of introduction, and phone conversations. Who would ever think we’d end up at the same supper table! God’s loving surprises across a continent. These occasions give me reason to rejoice over the mystery of where our lives take us!