Perpetual Vows

Today, Sister Jennifer Marie begins her intense preparation for perpetual vows in July, 2013.  As a province, we are so excited to share this time of renewal with Sister!

During these next months, Sister Jennifer will be deepening her understanding of the Constitutions of our community as well as other congregational writings, but her primary focus will be to fall more deeply in love with Jesus.  What a wonderful time to consider yet again what a tremendous blessing a call to the religious life can be.

Please keep Sister Jennifer in your prayers as she moves through these months to the day of her perpetual profession on July 14!

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  1. Cathy Burlingame on February 2, 2013 at 1:03 am

    I will keep Sister Jenny in my prayers as she continues on this journey closer to Jesus. Sister Jenny is such an inspiring young lady…her wit, her dedication and her love of our Lord shines through her actions daily. I just know God has big plans for her in the future! Prayers for her and for all who love and serve our Lord.

  2. Cindy Garcia on February 2, 2013 at 1:07 am

    How exciting Sister! I am very happy for you and will definitely keep you in my prayers.

  3. Julie Dangelo on February 2, 2013 at 1:12 am

    Sister I pray for your continued journey. God bless you at this wonderful time.

  4. Sr. Susan Kusz on February 2, 2013 at 1:37 am

    Sister Jennifer, we, your Sisters in ND, are behind you all the way! I feel like I am reliving the opening retreat to the beginning of my tertiate (long time ago now!) and it feels like just yesterday! The beauty of this time can be deeply enlivening and provide a foundation for a lifetime in ND. You are firmly tucked in prayer and I am celebrating with you this whole weekend!!

  5. Sr. Mary Margaret on February 2, 2013 at 2:37 am

    Congratulations, Sister Jennifer Marie. You are in my prayers during the coming months. What
    A joyous time in your life – may you be filled with the Spirit of joyous anticipation of your very important day.