Hope is in the Oyster

How often has the grain of sand in the oyster created a beautiful pearl? How much hope do pearl divers have that “this will be the one”? Little things comprise our day, and we may wonder “Will this little action be the one?” The one that will open a comatose person’s eyes? The one that…

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The Sorrowful Mother’s Encouragement

While young athletes compete in a race, the mothers cheer them on.  “Keep going! Keep going!” When Jesus was carrying his cross, his mother was along the route, carrying her own cross of maternal sorrow. Like any mother, she would have wished the pain for herself rather than upon her son. When Jesus and his…

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The Photo with a Future

The photo framed in silver adds sparkle to the sparkling personality of my sister Sue who died a dozen weeks ago. Her bright eyes look directly at me, showing eagerness to chat or share a joke or give a compliment, so natural to her who invariably put the other person first. If a photo says…

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Reading to Revive during a Revival

We are in the third year of a three-year Eucharistic Revival. Perhaps we haven’t attended any of the events, so what can we do to revive ourselves? As a musician who typically sits on the piano bench during Mass with my attention on sharps and flats, I need to enliven my devotion at Mass. Reading…

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